
Contractor Tips to Improving Productivity in Their Employees

Contractor Tips to Improving Productivity in Their Employees

Improving the productivity of employees in the contractor business can mean a couple different things. From project planning to employee morale, productivity can be affected by many factors. These hold true for large construction companies as well as individually owned local contractors. But the end result is that the company must pay its employees’ salaries, cover the overhead expenses and ultimately earn a profit. To do this, much attention should be spent on ways to improve productivity. Increased productivity can benefit the contractor in many ways. The projects are completed more quickly and the costs are lowered. This allows for...

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Extend your Reach with Ladders and Scaffolding

Extend your Reach with Ladders and Scaffolding

Ever walk into someone else’s house, look up and wonder how they reached that part of the wall when the ceiling was so high? Or better yet, how was it even possible to install that ceiling fan in your living room? The answer is actually quite simple and easy to do yourself.  Homeowners and contractors alike can extend their reach for less by renting ladders and scaffolding.  I see it all the time when I’m in New York City. Scaffolding is everywhere and there is no better way to scale and repair or paint tall buildings.  Growing up I was...

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Guide to Buying Better Lumber

Guide to Buying Better Lumber

The biggest factor in determining the type and quality of wood that you’ll use for your next project is the project itself. That’s because certain varieties of wood are best suited for certain projects. For example, a hardwood with a closed grain such as maple would be an excellent choice for a butcher block, rather than soft porous wood such as pine. Most lumber can be described as either being either softwood or a hardwood. Generally, softwoods are much less expensive, so determining your needs can help you to decide which type of wood to buy. This, in turn can...

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